What is PASAN?
PASAN is a community-based Harm Reduction/HIV/HCV organization that provides support, education, and advocacy to, for, and with individuals who are incarcerated or formerly incarcerated.

A sketch of PASAN's old logo
Our Mission
PASAN is committed to prison abolition and to developing community-based transformative justice alternatives. We know that meaningfully addressing violence, meeting the needs of survivors, promoting accountability, creating capacity for change, and fostering collective safety and wellbeing requires nothing less.
As we work to build that future, we also strive to protect the rights, dignity, autonomy, and humanity of those who are currently incarcerated. We support and safeguard prison health and prison justice within a harm reduction framework–without ever losing sight of the fact that prisons are fundamentally unhealthy and unjust.
Artwork by Peter Collins, a regular Cell Count contributor before his passing